The Simple Features Specification v1.1.0 has a conformance test based on "Joe's Blue Lake vicinity map", which roughly looks like this:
To create the map in Microsoft SQL Server 2008, first create the tables:
-- Lakes
CREATE TABLE lakes (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),shore Geometry);
-- Road Segments
CREATE TABLE road_segments (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),aliases VARCHAR(64),num_lanes INTEGER,centerline Geometry);
-- Divided Routes
CREATE TABLE divided_routes (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),num_lanes INTEGER,centerlines Geometry);
-- Forests
CREATE TABLE forests (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),boundary Geometry);
-- Bridges
CREATE TABLE bridges (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),position Geometry);
-- Streams
CREATE TABLE streams (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),centerline Geometry);
-- Buildings
CREATE TABLE buildings (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,address VARCHAR(64),position Geometry,footprint Geometry);
-- Ponds
CREATE TABLE ponds (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),type VARCHAR(64),shores Geometry);
-- Named Places
CREATE TABLE named_places (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(64),boundary Geometry);
-- Map Neatline
CREATE TABLE map_neatlines (fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,neatline Geometry);
Next step is to insert the rows:
-- Lakes
INSERT INTO lakes VALUES (101, 'BLUE LAKE',Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18),(59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18))', 101));
-- Road segments
INSERT INTO road_segments VALUES(102, 'Route 5', NULL, 2,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 0 18, 10 21, 16 23, 28 26, 44 31 )' ,101));
INSERT INTO road_segments VALUES(103, 'Route 5', 'Main Street', 4,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 44 31, 56 34, 70 38 )' ,101));
INSERT INTO road_segments VALUES(104, 'Route 5', NULL, 2,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 70 38, 72 48 )' ,101));
INSERT INTO road_segments VALUES(105, 'Main Street', NULL, 4,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 70 38, 84 42 )' ,101));
INSERT INTO road_segments VALUES(106, 'Dirt Road by Green Forest', NULL, 1,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 28 26, 28 0 )',101));
-- DividedRoutes
INSERT INTO divided_routes VALUES(119, 'Route 75', 4,Geometry::STMLineFromText('MULTILINESTRING((10 48,10 21,10 0),(16 0,16 23,16 48))', 101));
-- Forests
INSERT INTO forests VALUES(109, 'Green Forest',Geometry::STMPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26),(52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)),((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))', 101));
-- Bridges
INSERT INTO bridges VALUES(110, 'Cam Bridge', Geometry::STPointFromText('POINT( 44 31 )', 101));
-- Streams
INSERT INTO streams VALUES(111, 'Cam Stream',Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 38 48, 44 41, 41 36, 44 31, 52 18 )', 101));
INSERT INTO streams VALUES(112, NULL,Geometry::STLineFromText('LINESTRING( 76 0, 78 4, 73 9 )', 101));
-- Buildings
INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(113, '123 Main Street',Geometry::STPointFromText('POINT( 52 30 )', 101),Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON( ( 50 31, 54 31, 54 29, 50 29, 50 31) )', 101));
INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(114, '215 Main Street',Geometry::STPointFromText('POINT( 64 33 )', 101),Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON( ( 66 34, 62 34, 62 32, 66 32, 66 34) )', 101));
-- Ponds
INSERT INTO ponds VALUES(120, NULL, 'Stock Pond',Geometry::STMPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON( ( ( 24 44, 22 42, 24 40, 24 44) ),( ( 26 44, 26 40, 28 42, 26 44) ) )', 101));
-- Named Places
INSERT INTO named_places VALUES(117, 'Ashton',Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON( ( 62 48, 84 48, 84 30, 56 30, 56 34, 62 48) )', 101));
INSERT INTO named_places VALUES(118, 'Goose Island',Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON( ( 67 13, 67 18, 59 18, 59 13, 67 13) )', 101));
-- Map Neatlines
INSERT INTO map_neatlines VALUES(115,Geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON( ( 0 0, 0 48, 84 48, 84 0, 0 0 ) )', 101));
And voilá... you can now for instance run all the conformance tests, but the map is actually also a good base-map for learning the various spatial operations.
If you use my SQL Spatial Query Tool, here's a query you can use to visualize the map:
SELECT neatline, 'Background' as name, 'map_neatlines' as layer, 'White' as FillColor, 'Transparent' as LineColor, 1 as LineThickness FROM map_neatlines UNION ALL
SELECT shores, name, 'ponds' as layer, 'LightBlue' as FillColor, 'Blue' as LineColor, 1 as LineThickness FROM ponds UNION ALL
SELECT boundary, name, 'forests' as layer, 'Green' as FillColor, '#ff005500' as LineColor, 4 as LineThickness FROM Forests UNION ALL
SELECT shore, name, 'lakes' as layer, 'Blue' as FillColor, 'Transparent' as LineColor, 2 as LineThickness FROM lakes UNION ALL
SELECT boundary, name, 'named_places' as layer, '#00ffff99' as FillColor, 'Brown' as LineColor, 2 as LineThickness FROM named_places UNION ALL
SELECT centerline, name, 'streams_outline' as layer, 'Blue' as FillColor, 'Blue' as LineColor, 5 as LineThickness FROM streams UNION ALL
SELECT centerline, name, 'streams_fill' as layer, 'LightBlue' as FillColor, 'LightBlue' as LineColor, 3 as LineThickness FROM streams UNION ALL
SELECT centerline, name, 'road_segments' as layer, 'LightGreen' as FillColor, 'Black' as LineColor, num_lanes*2 as LineThickness FROM road_segments UNION ALL
SELECT centerlines, name, 'divided_routes' as layer, 'LightGreen' as FillColor, '#aaff0000' as LineColor, num_lanes*2 as LineThickness FROM divided_routes UNION ALL
SELECT footprint, address, 'buildings_footprint' as layer, 'Black' as FillColor, 'Transparent' as LineColor, 1 as LineThickness FROM buildings UNION ALL
SELECT position.STBuffer(0.5), address, 'buildings_position' as layer, 'Red' as FillColor, 'Transparent' as LineColor, 1 as LineThickness FROM buildings UNION ALL
SELECT position.STBuffer(1), name, 'bridges' as layer, '#550000ff' as FillColor, 'Black' as LineColor, 1 as LineThickness FROM bridges
Which will generate a map like this:
Download SQL queries (1.71 kb)